Petsupplyuk Super Premium Dry Puppy Food 7.5kg Sack Size


This product is zero rated which means no vat to be added, so please use the following discount code when you checkout so the 20% vat is deducted, otherwise our site system adds 20% onto the total. So use this code if you purchase this product: ZeroRatedVat20%Petsupplyuk Super Premium Puppy food is an excellent nutrient rich diet that is both energy dense and highly palatable. Wheat Gluten Free.

Protein: 30%
Oil: 14%
Fibre: 2.5%
Ash: 7%

Chicken meal, rice, maize, beet bulp, chicken fat, oats, brewers yeast, fishmeal, egg powder, linseed, fish oil, vitamins, minerals, glucosamine sulphate, chondroitin, sulphate and msm.



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